七彩云课堂语文5上13 少年中国说预习指南 5435次浏览 130次下载 播放 七彩云课堂语文1上语文园地五 七彩云课堂语文1上语文园地五 2712次浏览 90次下载 播放 七彩三年级上字词听写22读不完的大书 七彩三年级上字词听写22读不完的大书文摘精选:The History Of Smallpox天花的历史(双语) In Shakespeare's day, wishing a pox on someone was a terrible curse Ten percent of the population in 17th century London died gruesomely of smallpox, a virus spread easily by airborne particles or contaminated clothing天花 引用次数:10 Our data demonstrate the need for further attenuation of VTT to serve either as a safer smallpox vaccine or as a live vaccine vector for other pathogens 因而有必要对天坛株进行进一步的减毒,使其成为更为安全理想的天花疫苗或作为更安全的病毒载体用于构建活病毒载体疫苗。 参考来源 痘苗病毒天坛株生物学
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